FIL said my relationship is like the movie Shallow Hal (PLEASE READ)


FIL has always been so rude towards people. My fiancé and I went on vacation with his family for a week. The entire week was MISERABLE. My unborn child got called a bastard child by my FIL and then he continued to talk about me and his son. He said that he probably wasn’t gonna have a relationship with our daughter because he doesn’t like me.

When something doesn’t go his way he bashes you for it. Apparently because I didn’t do his (FIL) laundry while on vacation with them I wasn’t doing woman duties.

My SIL told me that he was on the phone talking with my BIL about me. Saying the my relationship is like the movie Shallow Hal. He said that his son sees me as a beautiful skinny girl but in realty I am fat and ugly.

I don’t see how someone can be so cruel. Granite I am not the slimmest person ever but I am also 7 months pregnant!

We are suppose to be closing on a house July 18th and he is suppose to be the co signer. At this point I don’t even want his help.

My fiancé said that he would not be allowed in our daughters life because he wants to save her the heartache.

What would you ladies do if you were in my situation?

This is me btw ⬇️ (Just as a reference as to how big I am)