
Sasha • Mommy to a 5 year old monster and due JAN -2020 .....first miscarriage 6-28-18 second one with triplets 1-17-19 🦄👶🏻🌈

So after trying for 6 months finally got my BFP on6-23-18 was so happy told my mom and boy friend in the cutest way and their reaction was what I was expecting..... on6-27-18 started to bleed 6-29-18 had a chemical pregnancy miscarriage.... everyone is saying everything happens for a reason and it wasn’t your time and all this stuff and at some point I just wanna say SHUT THE FUCK UP yes everything happens but I’m not just going to be ok with it I’m going to be upset and I’m going to cry... it’s going to take some times to be ok with it...think I will never be ok with it but to deal with it... just wish things were different ... but I will have my rainbow 🌈 👶🏻 I’m determined