twins born 35w5d


My Di/Di twin boys, Corbin & Collin are here !! Very easy birth.. but I'll give yall the details . My due date for the twins was July 25, but I delivered June 25. my boys have always measured pretty big on the ultrasounds, so I figured they would come a little early. My body was showing signs of labor like extreme fatigue, swelling, exhaustion, trouble breathing, diarrhea, more frequent bathroom breaks, discomfort always.... the list just keeps on growing. Prior to pregnancy I was 170lbs 5'4 at delivery I was 215lbs 5'4. I kept telling doc that my body was extremely wore out.. but she said she couldn't schedule a csection legally until I was 38 weeks(July 11) or if she saw signs of complications. She just kept telling me that she figured my body would go into labor on it's own. well I knew from my first pregnancy that my body doesn't dilate very well. my 1st pregnancy, I only dilated 1cm while carrying my daughter 11 days past her due date. she came here healthy at 8lbs 14oz 21in.

So because I knew I was having trouble dilating again I tried several things to start labor and surprisingly they worked.

Sunday, June 24 I went walking around my neighborhood for 45 minutes. Came home, cut oranges and squeezed some fresh orange juice. I refrigerated the orange juice for about 8 hours. So the next morning around 7am, I cooked me a scramble egg and drank the juice. I also took 1 tablespoon of castor oil prior to sipping the juice. around 9am started feeling a little stomach cramps/discomfort. I had a doc appt for 10am with obgyn.. when she saw me i had started having contractions while in her office about 5 minutes apart. she requested that i go to the hospital to be monitored for 2 hours and to see if i would dilate any more. when she checked me in office I was 1cm. I made it to the hospital and they started monitoring me around 12pm. I was still having steady contractions, now every 4 minutes apart. Doc came in around 3pm and checked I was 3cm dilated(yayy) and still steady contractions

.. she confirmed that we would be having babies by 5pm. Around 430pm they started prepping me for my 2nd csection. During contractions, I requested to have no pain medicine .. I wanted a smooth delivery. they did have to give me a spinal for surgery.. which is standard procedure.. it's similar to the epidural but not completely.

At 5:19 PM my twin boys were born.

Collin 6lbs 2oz 19in

Corbin 5lbs 6oz 18in

They both were the size of average full term singleton babies. I couldn't of imagined what size they would have been at Full Term 40weeks.

they arent identical twins but definitely have a lot of similarities.