Baby is born!


Original due date: June 21

Induction date: June 29

This was our second baby, so we arrived at the hospital at 7am. By 8, they had checked me (I was a 2), and started with cytotec with the plan of checking again at noon and starting pitocin.

We spent the morning watching TV, walking the halls, monitoring baby’s heart rate and my contractions, and sitting on the peanut ball. The cytotec had started contractions for me.

At noon, I was checked and was in between 4/5 and they hooked me back up to the monitors. I could tell my contractions had gotten stronger because I was needing to breath through them and they seemed to come very frequently. After our nurse hooked me back up, we noticed I only had 20-30 seconds in between each contraction so we weren’t able to start pitocin.

Within 45 minutes, at 12:45, I had progressed enough to get an epidural and my doctor broke my water. At 2:40 I was complete and we started pushing at 2:45.

I pushed for two hours and our baby was FINALLY born at 4:46 pm. We did not know gender ahead of time. We had a baby boy! He has one older sister, Clara, who is 2.

We found out after he was born

that it took so long to get him out because he was facing up and he is a big boy. (I did not have gestational diabetes.)

Meet Camden Lee Soukup. He weighed 9lb 13oz and was 21in long at birth. ❤️