22 with PCOS but think I may be pregnant


Hi everyone,

I'm new here so I'm not sure what group to post in. Nonetheless, over the past month I've been experiencing so much fatigue, back pain,female area cramping, nausea, etc. My period was almost a week late as well. However, I took a test that came out negative. Then my period came on the 10th of this month it was about 5 days long (which is a lil shorter than usual)....BUT, I did recently have sex on the day I was expecting to ovulate ( the 27th of this month...three days ago). All of my doctors I've seen recently and my mom keep bringing up the topic of me having a baby for some reason. Which is also like a sign of the future to me. Should I just chalk it up to being my hormones? Or should I continue to be mindful of these random symptoms?

Thank you❤