Watery discharge?


Ok I’ve spent the last two hours in a panic!

This morning I went to feed my cats, squatted, and felt some liquid come out. It wasn’t like a “gush” per se (didn’t soak my pants or anything like that) but it was enough that a few drops dripped on my legs, and I could physically feel it come out.

Now I didn’t think much at the time, but over the course of the day I thought about it again and decided to do some Googling. BIG MISTAKE, HUGE. I read all this stuff about leaking amniotic fluid and how dangerous that is. Well, I am pretty sure that it was just discharge (I have a lot of discharge naturally and it’s been even more increased because of the pregnancy) but of course I call the doctor just to be safe. They tell me to keep an eye on it for now, and scheduled an appointment for me to be seen on Monday to be checked, but weren’t very concerned about it.

I am feeling better knowing that I will see the doc Monday, but I am just curious if anyone else has experienced this?

(The nurse I talked to actually thinks it was some urine coming out 😂)

Edit: I should note that the reason the drops got on my legs is because I wasn’t wearing underwear 🙄 not because it soaked through my underwear or anything like that! Now THAT would be concerning!