Is it possible to get a guy back after a breakup?

He broke up with me last week. Two days before we broke up he mentioned meeting my family and going on more dates together. We were seeing each other for 2 months. The breakup happened before we planned our next date. We went on 6 dates total. He told he that he really likes me but wouldn’t be able to give this 100% because he’s going through a lot right now and needs to get certain things figured out. He said that once he does, hopefully we can pickup where we left off if I’m not seeing anyone because he’s crazy about me and just it’s bad timing and I didn’t do or say anything wrong. I texted back saying that I didn’t think it would be necessary to pick up where we left off since he’s not ready and I didn’t want him to think he could make me his backup plan in case if he was dating someone else, but now I miss him. He was very respectful, honest and kind unlike other guys I’ve met recently and I would like to give things a second try before it’s too late. Should I text him?