help meeee


Okay ladies. If you saw my post the other day, I want opinions.


Mention of mc again so trigger warning in case







This past april many know I had a miscarriage at almost 6 wks.

We have one other child that's almost 2 so we have been trying since our loss.

4/27 was d&c.; Do I count that as cycle day one? Or 4/17 when bleeding started?

Also 5/27 to 5/31 was my first normal post surgery period.

Now its 7/1 , heres my chart below

And no cycle yet. Hoping it doesn't show.

Also I had two faint ovulation tests so thinking I missed my surge test wise but thinking I'm covered sex wise.

Thinking I ovulated around 6/18 even tho faint tests at 6/15 6/16.

So... When would you test? Im scared if I ovulated late ill get a negative and be all upset. So advice?

Adding my lower belly fels tender, boobs ache and itch, and I'm more sleepy.

With our daughter I had no symptoms other than increased urination, tired and heartburn.

The miscarriage i cramped before I knew I was pregnant kinda similar to this feeling