Possible pregnancy if period is due and hasn’t came yet?

Long story short my period was due today and no sign, took a test and its negative, it’s the second times it’s ever happened to me(my periods are regular and always always on time no matter what) but test is negative....Why is my body doing this to me😞 I just want a BFP.....Feel like my body plays tricks on me😕 Last month I didn’t get my period until I was 5 days late & was told it was possibly late due to stress? I haven’t been stressing over ttc so I’m at a loss, Is this what’s happening again this month? I have symptoms that aren’t normal for me & just can’t seem to get a right answer. Should I wait and see if I get my period in the next few days or should I test again in the next few days?

Any advice/experiences or anything is much appreciated 🙏

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