should I distance myself or am I over reacting?

okay so I'm 3 months pregnant and over the past few weeks I've been throwing up and genuinly just not feeling well. while I'm on a holiday with my partner and his family it was our 2nd anniversary, he promised we would do something together , go for a nice meal and just spend a nice night together. As you all may know the football is on... since we are in Portugal he wanted to watch football at 7 with his cousin and her ex fella and 2 other friends. we went out for dinner and whatever I ordered was really not nice and I was going to order something different. He went absolutely psycho at me saying I need to hurry up because he's gonna miss football and he wants to go to the bar with his family.. I was like know what... fuck this I'll not eat at all.. and he disnt care.. Like he let me literally starve.. we went to the bar with his family and I ordered myself a portion of chips and he totally ignored me all night. then went to a club after football and they had few drinks, he said we would go home before 12 because I didn't feel well.. and yeno... it was our 2nd anniversary .. coming half 11 I said will we go soon. and he said naw plans have changed I'm staying out with my cousin and her ex you go home. I got a taxi home and he literally didn't come home till 5am absolutely smashed! there was nothing on his and her Snapchat that they were out after I left which I found so weird because she is never off her phone taking selfies every night.. when I questioned him his reply was "we were drunk" me pregnant , throwing up and so sick and he literally is choosing drink over me. what do I do or say.