
So basically a bit of background, Im 19 years old, just finished my Alevels, I’ve had some mental health issues and currently living at home. I recently found out on Saturday that Im pregnant... and so I have a doctor appointment tomorrow to find out how far along I actually am. I’m completely terrified. We had been using condoms and so my boyfriend and I didnt expect this at all. I told my parents straight away as I was terrified and didnt feel like hiding it was the best thing. My parents have been straight about it, they dont see keeping the baby as an option. They say that my whole life will be put on hold, I will be the one with the most responsibility and that my mental health issues arent suitable for bringing a baby into the world. Although I completely get where they’re coming from, I dont know if I could go through with an abortion. Not because Im against it but because I now know this baby is growing inside me. My parents are adament that this baby is only a few weeks and so really is just a ‘bunch of cells’ and it shouldnt be hard to abort it... but I dont see it like that☹️ My boyfriend and his family dont want me to get rid of it and have told me they are completely supportive and will help in anyway. Im just really confused and feeling really freaked out by the different reactions. I feel this pressure on me to agree to an abortion because my parents keep reminding me that ‘Im a kid’ and ‘Not ready to be a mum’ I dont know what to do, I guess Im just posting on here because I cant say all this to my parents outloud.