Period or Pregnant


Hey ladies, so my mind is all over the place right now. Long story short i was on BC for 2 years & i got off of it January of this year i believe & i got pregnant & had an abortion in March due to personal reasons. So now I’m back on BC been back on it since April. I’m so done with these side effects bloated, emotional, tired, backache, just everything at first i thought maybe i was pregnant but that’s not the case. I heard that you can stick to your birth control for 3 months until the side effects goes away but I’m not seeing it yet maybe because I’m in my 3rd month now. Recently 2 1/2 weeks ago i had sex with my BF unprotected which we’ve always don’t use condoms & a week after i had a bad toothache which the dentist put me on antibiotics for. I was only taking them for maybe 4 days at the most really wasn’t taking them like i was suppose too. During that time of taking the antibiotics i wasn’t having sex. Now I’m just having another scare yet AGAIN🙄. I know that next week I’m suppose to start my period but this week i feel bloated, tired(kinda), not really eating, emotional, & headaches. I’ve taken 3 pregnancy tests but all of them come back negative. So should i just stop worrying and relax? I’m not sure if it is my period or not that coming.