No longer interested

I'm a week away from delivery (first baby) , barely excited due to the person I'm having it with. I've known my husband for apx a year and a half, and since getting pregnant I've been completely turned off and want nothing more to do with him.

I don't know if these are just hormones (as I have been told) or his behavior and lack of readiness has truly turned me off for life .

I didn't expect my marriage to be this way and completely shocked that going to be a single mom, like my mom- but I'm prepared, I come from a line of Superwomen-fortunately and unfortunately.

Some history....

My husband and I got married 10 months after dating, and got pregnant a month after the wedding. I trusted he was ready as he kept asking for a child, and my dream career has always been a stay at home mom!

He's in construction and due to lack of work since we got married (this wasn't the case before we got married ) I've been paying 98% of the bills and buying the groceries. I was really sick my fist trimester and became so resentful that I would always come home to find him on the couch while I had to go to work sick as a dog.

A few months later, he decided to go into his own business , but that hasn't been producing much funds and I'm still stuck with paying the mortgage and bills and buying the baby stuff.

He's a genuinely nice person who wants the best for me and always tells me he loves me and I'm beautiful on the daily , but it's not working. The best action to show his love would be his full assistance with tasks and finding a paying job. and I'm not receiving that-I just get excuses. I guess he wants his business to work so bad he's willing to do that at risk of his marriage.

When I ask him to help me around the house or improve his reading and education in preparation for the child and to better himself , it takes him weeks to get around to it if he does at all. (I've been verbally harsh due to all the frustration, guess this doesn't help)

I'm a go getter, and always find a way to make ends meet no matter how life is against me. His non urgent, nonchalant attitude , growing beer stomach has turned me off completely, he's come home stone drunk a few times, and has even written off his car in the process-more expenses and stress for me. I just want a divorce(I've gone to see the lawyer already). I can't stand him touching me-I feel like I'm being molested when he does , and we haven't had had sex since 2 wks after baby was conceived. I'm very disappointed in him, and I've lost all love and respect for him, I trusted him and he let me down big time. I've asked him to leave on numerous occasions and he refuses and I don't want to call the police as he doesn't have anywhere else to go in this country.

Are these all hormones that will go away at once baby is born? My expectations have been smashed, but should I simply be going through life without any expectations for my family life and accept all this foolishness indefinitely?? Help...