Birth control advice


Hello everyone!

I'm seeing my new-ish boyfriend soon and we're really wanting to have sex. But I'm very hesitant about it because my number one fear is falling unwillingly pregnant (and yes, I'm a virgin). I was wondering about any advice you could give? Condom or the Pill? My preference lies in the Condom but is it genuinely effective? It feels so...flimsy to me.

I spoke about it to him and he says that he always uses condoms, knows how to work with them and blows them up after everything is done to see if there are any leaks (in which case I could take an emergency plan b and hope for the best)

Or I also have the pill I got from the doctor (ethinylstradiol/levonorgestrel .03/.15 mg). But I'm reading all the side effects and health concerns and honestly I'm getting even more scared of taking it.

Any advice and thoughts about this will be so heavily appreciated. Thank you for your help in advance!

After note: would it also be okay to start the pill and take it for a couple of weeks to see if I get some really undesirable side effects. And if I do, to stop using the pill?