Hubby not sure on renewing vows


So, we’ve been together since January 2006. Married since 2009. We have 4 beautiful kids. Together. There has been a lot that we have both done in the relationship that has hurt the other. We have been in marriage counseling for almost a year now going twice a month. A year and a half ago we went through something really horrible and it’s taken a toll on both of us. But, we chose to stay together and work it all out. For most of the time we have been great, but my husband has been off lately. He’s been a lot more selfish going and seeing his friends more and leaving me home with our five month old baby when he knows that I need to get out too. He’s been drinking a little bit and just not being as affectionate lately. He has said that you know he’s committed to us and making things better for us and the kids. Today I brought up possibly renewing our marriage vows and recommitting to each other to show him that if anything, I am committed to us. He didn’t seem so taken with the idea however. And that makes me want to read into things and wonder whether or not he really is committed to us or not. What would you guys think if you were in my situation? Would it make you wonder whether or not he really wanted the relationship to get better or do you think there could be some underlying reason why he doesn’t want to do it yet. He told me that he wanted to get things worked out first and then see and talk to our marriage counselor about it. But, I don’t see a better way of fixing things than recommitting to each other if that is what we both say that is what we want.