Vagina tenderness and pain. Help!


Hello! So I’ve had a chemical burn on my vagina before. And I’m unsure if it’s what’s happening now, but I just need some other opinions.

My vulvar area is VERY tender and painful. I’ve had a burn in the area before with similar pain but it’s so hard to see what’s wrong because many different things can cause vaginal tenderness and pain.

I’ve been having a lot of sex lately, (with the same person) and have been using Trojan brand spermicidal condoms. I’m thinking that I’m having a reaction to the spermicide and that’s what’s causing the pain and tenderness. I’m not experiencing any pain in my actual vagina. But my vulva and labia are extremely tender.

Has anyone else had this experience from using spermicidal condoms?

And if you’ve experienced something similar I’d love some treatment advice.

I’m avoiding super tight clothing and underwear for the time being. But if there’s any other treatments/home remedies I’d love to hear them.