Mother of All Periods or Bun In the Oven? It's anybody's guess! 😆


So I came off of my mini pill about 2 months ago-ish. I was beginning to wonder if I'd ever ovulate because I hadn't had a period since I stopped taking it. Had sex about 2 weeks ago which was about 5 days before I started noticing signs of what I presumed was ovulation. Pre-pill days, when ovulating or having a period, if my boobs hurt then they hurt all over but now as well as severe bloating (as I was expecting, having not had a period for 2 years of mini pill) my boobs became and still are only slightly tender but my nipples are frickin AGONY! Like it hurts when they just move inside my bra. Reminds me of the pain of getting my nipple pierced, like a really horrible painful bruised feeling. Pretty certain I'm not ovulating anymore, and yet my nipples are still killing me; so the wait begins to see if it's the Period of all periods coming my way or a baby, it's anybodies guess 😂

I feel like I need to make a poll out of this for entertainment purposes but it wont let me explain the circumstances in the box coz of space, so I thought we could do it as comments instead.

Not TTC by the way, just become a big hippy and want my periods back. I've never been through a pill withdrawal before so have no idea what to expect really.