Breakup 💔

We were in a relationship for 3 years and we recently decided (1 month ago) it was time to move on because the relationship was just going down hill and nothing was the same. It was sad and heartbreaking and it still is. We decided to not talk and give each other space just so it can be easier on the both of us. A month goes by and I feel a lot better and I just wanted to know what he was up to and how he was feeling, next thing I know he’s posting pictures with some other girl (his ex) and my heart just sunk. I felt broken, I just don’t understand how you can love one person one day and the next be with someone else, I feel like shit, like our relationship meant nothing to him, like I was nothing to him, he just threw a 3 year relationship down the trash like it was nothing.

I just don’t understand how he’s so fine and I’m hear crying myself to sleep every night.

It just hurts to think that he can replace me so easily. I hate how he has this power over me even after we’re broken up. I don’t know what to do to make it stop hurting.


I’ve been seeing this other guy for about a month now, I feel good when I’m around him, he makes me laugh, forget about all my problems and genuinely makes me feel happier. Everything with him is totally different than how it was with my ex and part of me just feels that it feels right but the other part of me is scared I’m moving too fast, I still think about my ex constantly (just wonder how he’s doing and remember the good memories, which make me miss him sometimes **i don’t want to get back together** I just miss te idea of him). I honestly don’t know if where I am with this new guy is where I want to be, I don’t know what I want but I also don’t want to loose him.

I’m confused 😥