Getting used to my mom bod 1 month PP

I had my baby girl almost a month ago and I’ve been feeling like crap about how I look. I’m surrounded by people who “snapped back” in a month.. but also they only gained around 20 pounds and I gained 50+ pounds. I’ve been hating every picture of me recently, except for this one that my boyfriend took of me earlier.

I may be “chubbier” than before, but I’m also happier and that’s more important.

Ps... does anyone have any tips on how to dress when you’ve all of a sudden put on more weight / for a “mom bod”? I’m like a size US 12 now for reference... styles that worked before just don’t work now. I’m working on losing some more weight but I don’t want to just hide my body in baggy clothes in the process and I have no idea what will flatter me now 😩