Exes try to make a comeback?


Hi y’all, so I was just talking with my boyfriend, and his ex messaged him on Facebook today to ask him if he wanted to meet up for drinks later on in the week. The weird thing is that they haven’t spoken in a few years at all, and the last time they saw each other she actually went out of her way to avoid speaking to him even when he greeted her amicably. Ultimately, I don’t think any harm could come of the meet-up and it was nice of him to ask me if I was comfortable with it. In the end I mostly DON’T care. I guess my question is… what do you guys think about when exes come out of the blue just wanting to “catch up”? How would you feel if one of your SO’s exes wanted to meet up with them?

*EDIT* for clarity, I guess I should say that he didn’t agree to meet up with her, but was curious if I also thought it was strange.