Would u expect to be invited on trip with your baby?

My Bf & I have been together for about 7 years & have a 3 month old baby girl. His family & I get along pretty well & I’d say we do like each other & they consider me family despite us not being married. His SIL (his brothers wife) decides to plan a family trip for the immediate family which is my bf & his 5 siblings & their kids. Her & I don’t talk or speak, she doesn’t like me for whatever reason & idc. She told him to get a passport for our daughter & she did a headcount for the trip. I clearly wasn’t included & I told my bf I think it’s rude of her not to invite the mother of his child. For one My daughter is breastfed & in certain situations my daughter responds better to me than to her father. Idk what to do & he doesn’t understand where I’m coming from