What would you do?

Hello all!

I’m hurt and confused right now and I don’t feel like I can talk to anyone so I am turning to you all. I want to start the story off by saying I am adopting a newborn baby in December. Pretty exciting right? Everyone seemed so supportive. Here is a screenshot of my bestfriend of 8+ years seeming excited too.

Seems genuine right? Here is this same bestfriend talking to one of her friends about me adopting.

Come to find out my bestfriend’s friend is talking to my ex husband and she knew about it and didn’t give me a heads up or anything. On top of that her and this woman have been talking about me adopting and has been reporting everything I told her to my ex husband. I confided in my “bestfriend” for years about not being able to have children and even used her as a shoulder to cry on about a very traumatic miscarriage me and my ex husband went through so I was excited to be able to experience motherhood and maybe I did talk about it a lot but as an expectant mother why can’t I be happy and brag about this baby? They are both mothers so I would have thought they would understand better than anyone. Ladies what would you do if you were in my shoes?

(I received the screenshots of her and her friend talking from a mutual friend of ours)