Please help!

Okay kind of long so bear with me here. I was treated for chlamydia last month a week after my boyfriend, and we didn’t have sex while he was being treated (aka we waited the full time the doc said to). However when I was being treated, we had sex two days before we were supposed to wait until. I know, stupid, but we were drunk and didn’t care (however we did use protection). I also take birth control every day in the morning, but skipped my sugar pills last month which I’ve never done before. (I jumped from the fourth week to the first week of my new pack). So I’ve been spotting for two weeks straight this darkish pink color blood (it varies), and I thought it was mid cycle bleeding, but it’s been two weeks. My boyfriend got follow up tested for chlamydia and is clean. Could I still be positive for chlamydia even though we had sex after we were both treated and he’s negative? Or is the bleeding just my birth control being weird? I’m really nervous and can’t get into the doctor until next week.