I just really need to vent....


I’m just so down and feel like I’m getting depressed not get me wrong God blessed me with 2 kiddos already from my first marriage which wasn’t a good one very verbally abuse but I finally left. Then a few years later I met the man of my dreams he’s amazing he took my 2 kids in just like if they was his own! The point of this story is he doesn’t have kids of his own and well I had my tubes tied after my 2nd child he’s always want his own child also so we decided I would get a tubal reversal so I had it done January 2017 we tried a year and nothing so went back to the doctor January 2018 and then had an hsg done it showed I lost my left tube do to scar tissue from the reversal, so I only have my right tube and we are still currently trying on our own at this point I’m just so down and beating myself up on what if I can’t give him his own child it breaks my heart to even think about it.