Possible to be farther along than Drs. Think??


Okay so this might be dumb...but this is my third and I’m just curious. My other two boys always measured slightly below average in ultrasounds. Nothing scary, but just a little. And when we got pregnant with this boy I had NO clue how far along I was. We were in the middle of moving and I had completely lost track of my cycle. So the first ultrasound appointment I had is what gave me my due date. This pregnancy has been much more complicated than my last two and now my fluid is getting close to the danger zone. I go back in tomorrow to check fluid again. If it’s still lowering we might be monitored in hospital or inducing. I’ll be 37 weeks on Saturday so that is my drs goal. But now I’m starting to wonder if I’m really more like 38 weeks. Because this boy had always measured slightly larger than normal. Which just doesn’t sound right to me. I know there is no way we will ever find out who’s right or wrong but I’m just curious if you think I’m crazy or on to something?!?! Anybody else ever feel like their due date was wrong from the beginning l??