Tonight I cried... (long rant)

Tonight I cried and I mean break down sitting at the bottom of a hot shower cry!

My husband and I have been in our house almost two years and we have this joke that we have a hard time learning to adult. I’m sure everyone gets that..... first home, first time doing taxes first pregnancy.... you know those moments when you call your parents cause your over adulting.

Well we live in Texas and unlike most of our community survived Harvey last year (🙏🏻) but in March we became victim of a busted toilet pipe flooding the house! And we’re currently struggling with adulting. We’re talking master bed, bath, closet, dining room, living and hallways kinda flood!

So here we are 4 months later almost done! New baseboards ,new paint, new kitchen island,new bathroom vanity and waiting on new carpet, new backsplash, new counter tops ect.... then boom!!! Ac breaks we’re talking 100* Texas heat hot as hell and the ac just dies 😫😫

So here we are arguing/organizing with crazy contractors who are in absolutely no rush and arguing with each other because we’re so over the construction zone of a house

All while we’re TTC and I know this stress is taking a toll on my body! So here I was tonight physically mentally exhausted and broken down and texting my husband (he’s on a 24) wishing it was all over and that we were pregnant so we could finally start this little family we pray for and he responds with ...

And these are the moments I realize that god gave me this strong man that even living in a Texas heat construction zone he is my rock and my whole heart. Can’t wait for this all to be over and for one day to be gifted with little ones to share our love with!