Our newest addition chose us!


My SO and I take our one and a half year old daughter on a walk every morning when we wake up. We usually walk around our neighborhood or at parks. The past few days we noticed a kitten in the park. The first day we just saw it and thought how cute and so small! It always started to follow us, but we thought maybe the mommy cat and siblings were around so we left it alone. The next day, we saw it again and started to be a little skeptical since the kitten seemed to want to come to us or just wanted some food, but we still had the thought that the mother had to be nearby. By the next day on me and my husband’s day off, we decided to stay at the park and see if the kitten’s family was nearby. We had planned a little picnic and stayed for hours— well a good chunk of our day and the kitten just walked right up to us, not mama kitty or other kittens in sight, debating whether we should take it home or not. We eventually decided not to leave it there alone and take it to the humane society to get checked out. We found out the kitten was a underweight and probably the runt of the family so it had a less of a chance surviving. We also found out that it is a SHE and is only about 3-4 weeks old. We went straight to Petco and bought everything we need to care for her. She’s being bottle fed and given nutritional gel to gain some weight. We’re so happy that she’s come into our lives and our daughter already loves her and is really gentle with her. We’ve named her Luna 😊