So lost and confused


Okay, I’ll try to make this as detailed as possible.

My SO and i are TTC #1 and are currently on cycle #2 (Maybe? I’ll get to that in a bit).

First motnh TTC: I used the fr opks (wont be happening again) and got a positive on May 7th, then it abruptly turned off as they do.

Month 2: CD1 was May 22. 7 day period as usual with the predicted fertile window being June 14th-19. Took daily opks from CD5-24 before i felt like it was a lost cause and stopped testing bc i never got a positive. I started bbt charting every day and have never gotten any type of temp spike. During that time we BD every other day from CD9-21. Expected AF was June 26th.

So here we are, 6 or so days late. UNTIL yesterday having a tissue full of blood when i wiped. Mind you, there had been no spotting, no slight pink tinge. Just within a matter of 30 minutes went from nothing to what looked like day 3 AF. So i popped a tampon in, went to change it this morning and it was CLEAN and hasn’t come back since. I have literally never been so confused in my life. I’ve never had anything shorter than a 7 day period. And there was absolutely nothing leading up to this, no pms, cramping...

nothing. Mind you I’ve been testing almost daily and nothing but BFN.

Anyone ever been through anything similar?

How’d it turn out for you? If not, opinions? I’m i dying?! 😂 I just want it to be my period so we can start trying again!