A Friend Faking a Pregnancy


So it’s been a while. Still saying she is pregnant. Due in October. She’s supposed to be 30 weeks.

It’s a bad picture for judging a bump…but a FTM getting a two-door convertible?

Girl please 🙄


Please tell me I’m not crazy to be so furious and depressed at the same time.

I lost my little angel baby, Orion Exavier, on May 15. He had very rare defect that had a 0% chance of survival, but he made it 17 weeks strong.

Ever since then, my husband and I have been trying to recover while juggling our new jobs, and it’s been stressful.

We just now normalized our schedules a little bit and finally have some peace…

Or so I thought…

She posted this picture and this picture only since she announced it.

I didn’t think anything of it at first, but then I realized…

“Wait, I was due in October. I would’ve been five and a half months pregnant by now. How has she been hiding this from her friends and her family?”

Then I also started wondering why this announcement looked so familiar…

She got the announcement of Pinterest!!!

But of course, I still didn’t want to think she could lie about this. There’s no way. Maybe she just wanted to use a nice looking announcement.

But then I started scrolling through her pictures on Facebook.


This is from the end of May.

At this point, I’m in utter shock. There’s no way she’s five and a half months pregnant and still this skinny.

I am beyond livid, but I feel so helpless.

My friend’s due date is only FIVE DAYS after my son’s.

Guys, what should I do?

I want to confront her and show her how much she hurt me when she did this, but I don’t think the message will get through.

I’m at a total loss 😞