
Don’t know if I’m pregnant & it’s driving me crazy 🙄 around may I stopped taking my regular birth control pill . Later on I waited for my period and it was a few days late only it started concerning me because I started getting a new odd discharge [pic 2 ] which based on friends who have had kids , told me it was the same discharge they got when they were pregnant . I took a pregnancy test and it came out negative so I tossed it away then an hour later I came back and it turned out positive. I thought it was invalid since time had passed by but still started calculating around how many weeks I would be if the test was true . A few days later I got my period and i thought it was over with only it’s been about almost 2 months now and I don’t feel normal . I started realizing that my stomach looks constantly bloated and doesn’t go down even after going to the gym and focusing on ab work and when I wear high waisted or skinny jeans that are tight around my stomach, it brings me a really uncomfortable feeling also when trying to sleep on my stomach I feel uncomfortable. As more days pass by I feel a constant feeling of butterflies , my boobs always feel sensitive, get huge cravings , am in the mood 25/8 🙄 , and during the past week or so My bladders been weak and it’s basically like 2 sips of water and I’m peeing 2 times of what I drank . The thing that makes me confused is that my family’s has a history of having kids without knowing because they would still get their periods up until the 5-6th month . Could I be pregnant or is in my head ? Ps . Hearts are the day I had sex in may