Sharp pain in lower stomach 😰😰 help!


So let me start off by saying I'm super constipated and haven't been eating the best because I'm super nauseous all the time so I mainly eat what I can keep down to get me through the work day (mostly a bagel which I feel bad about)

About an hour ago I felt like I had to 💩 so I went into the bathroom. I sat down and then experienced a super strong pain in my lower stomach. Normally I wouldn't think anything of it, because prior to being pregnant I would get them really sharp as I've had BM problems before. But now that I'm pregnant I'm scared something's wrong :( I had to bend over in pain because it really hurt, but once it passed I 💩 ed probably for the first time in days (sorry TMI)

I don't have any spotting, just normal white/yellowish discharge, no red blood, but I'm still nervous. What do I do? I had my first US yesterday at 5w6d and everything was fine so I don't want to call the doctor over something silly but every little pain has me nervous.