
so my lovely parents arent the greatest... my dad has bounced back and forth from job to job with carpentry from being in the Union to out because he tries evading drug tests... well im FIVE WEEKS from being due and i got to my appointment today with SOGA and they inform me my insurance is inactive.... mind you i JUST had blood work done yesterday and it ran through fine.. so i text my mom and this was her response... so now i am FREAKING OUT and beyond stressed out because we had great insurance. so i already paid my delivery fees and everything and im so scared they are going to go back and charge me again now that its inactive. im not sure what to do or what will be done? My parents are extremely unreliable and i wasnt even sure i had proper insurance on my vehicle through them anymore and now this... ugh any tips, advice or insight on what could happen? will i be charged for previous bills? anyone have a union husband/boyfriend that knows about union and their policies ect? My fiancee and i are working to cut all financial ties ect with my parents due to their unreliablility but for right now this is the last thing we need to worry about😓🤪