Do any of you get upset when people tell you that you’re not showing ?



I’m 14w and have a definite bump compared to before( I’ll post it in comments) and people keep telling me I’m not showing - makes me so mad.

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Posted at
June 1st vs June 29th and my best friend said “yea you’re still really bloated” 🙄 I was beyond annoyed! I’ve lost 20lbs so far and yet my belly is bigger. I don’t think its just fat or bloat


Ka • Jul 3, 2018
Posting mine in the comments!


Posted at
I have people asking to see the bump. It still just looks like fat so no!! Then they get disappointed when they see me and there isn't much there. I'm just about 18 weeks and its driving me nuts. So I kinda understand.


Zo • Jul 3, 2018
Ah no this makes me nervous! I’m going to surprise family next week at 18w and was hoping i would have a bump by now!😩


Posted at
April 14th vs July 1st. & People say I am not showing. Yeah okay lmao.


Posted at
Yes! I very clearly see my bump so when ppl say I look the same I’m like ok sooo you have always thought I was fat?! Grrrreat thanks lol


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4 w vs 14 w


Torri • Jul 3, 2018
Definitely a bump! You look great!


Ka • Jul 3, 2018
Also down 10 lbs here


Posted at
Yes sometimes. If anyone says anything I'm just like well this is big compared to before I was pregnant so it's big to me 🤷 it's all relative anyway.


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YES. I have a full on round belly now and the other day my cousin goes “your so tiny, I have bloat bigger than that”. Uh ok girl you get down with your bloated belly then 🙄🙄


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With my son it was a long time before i had a nice round bump and I think it’s going to be the same this time for me. I’m a bit overweight, but even at my most fit I had the lower belly pouch, so B belly for me. It makes me upset and I know people don’t mean anything when they say “you don’t even look pregnant” but...


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I get irritated when people feel the need to make comments about others body in general. For some reason being pregnant others feel the need to give their two cents on how you should look, live, eat, etc.


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I wish people would say that to me lol ive tried to hide this pregnancy as much as poss as its very soon as my son was stillborn but everyone constantly asks if i am and says how huge i am 😩