Tips on getting pregnant

Alexandra • United States Army Veteran, 74D | Studying Forensic Psychology at Southern New Hampshire University, online | Mommy-to-be ETA April 30, 2019 🤰🏻| Engaged October 1, 2018 👨‍👩‍👧

My SO and I have recently started trying to have a baby. The last few weeks we thought we were being that my period was a week late but went for a test and it was negative - I then got my period a day later. Needless to say, I was a little down for a few days.

Does anyone have any tips for how this can happen? I know it’s basically luck since you only have a 1 in 5 chance of getting pregnant each month but, I wanted to reach out to this lovely community and ask around since Google provides little to no help.

Thank you in advance and good luck to all the other Mommas trying to conceive or those who have! 😘