Cat peeing/pooping outside of litter box


Hi everyone! I have 3 cats, 2 males and 1 female. The male cats are great, the litter box can be gross and they will still use it. Our female is becoming more and more particular about the cleanliness of the litter box the older she gets! She has been pooping and peeing on one of our chairs and pees and poops in the dog’s blankets.

From everyone’s experience, is this just a cleanliness issue?

My husband is getting fed up and I do not want him to get rid of her!

With work and a 3 month at home we’re trying our best to clean the litter box everyday but sometimes it’s every other day.

Also, has anyone tried a self cleaning litter box? Can anyone give me any suggestions for one?

Thank you in advance!!

Here’s a picture of my sweet girl.