

So i’m 14 and i go to an all girls school, so i haven’t really talked to many boys since i was like 10-11. Obviously i’ve talked to male cousins and family friends but not really anyone my age too much. i recently started at a kind of youth group type thing and there are some guys there that i like but because of my personality and my lack of knowledge about how to deal with boys instead of going shy i get kind of aggressive-ish and a bit in over my head (i know how weird this sounds but you’d have to know me as a person). There is one guy that i’m low-key super into and imma tell y’all how that’s never going to work; so my mum (i'm British) has had this really close group of friend ever since she was my age and they've all stayed friends grown up and had kids. I sort of consider them my aunties, so one of my mums friends has three sons and the oldest is a year older than me and has grown up to be SUPER cute but because I only see him like 3 times a year I don't think he'll notice me. I don't really know what this was i'm just blurting this all out- sorry😂