itchy red bumps please help

so every couple months or so i get these red bumps scattered across my body but this time they’re on my arms and my chest. they’re also making some appearance on my foot and knuckles. first they’re just welts and then they turn really red and itchy. today i noticed there are little bumps inside the middle of some of them and honestly i’m freaking out. i don’t know if they’re just mosquito bites and i’m allergic or i looked it up and it could be scabies but i don’t know what from??? someone PLEASE HELP

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Posted at
I have similar bumps on my arms and ankles, and they look like bug bites to me. If you really are concerned though, you should see a doctor. Looking it up on the internet will just scare you.


Posted at
I think you might have bed bugs


sm • Jul 3, 2018
If no one else gets it then its an allergy probably to something you waah your clothes in


shelly • Jul 3, 2018
but i don’t get them all the time, and no one else in my family has them and i’ve had friends sleep in my bed and they get nothing so i’m so scared i don’t know what it is


Posted at
I got the same in all my body it’s already been 5 weeks since I got them, first my friend had them and I got them and now my sister have them also and I already went to 3 different doctors and they don’t exactly know what it could be 😭😭


Posted at
Have your doc check for ringworm, too. Very common fungal infection in the summer


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Posted at
Doesn't look like scabies. Which is good cause they're nasty lol. It could be an allergy.


La • Jul 3, 2018
Only the doc can tell you.. but it may be contagious so I'd get in asap


shelly • Jul 3, 2018
i was just scared because it says at first scabies don’t look like that and i’ve only got these two days ago and it scares me because what if it is and it’s just not fully developed