Ectopic pregnancy


So I was told I would be having a miscarriage because my hcg levels dropped. Then I started bleeding, the bleeding has lasted 16 days, so I went back to the dr and made an appointment for another ultra sound (first one before the miscarriage didn’t show anything). Now I have a mass on the outside of my left ovary so they believe I might be having an ectopic pregnancy or it’s a cystic fibroids. So I went in for blood work for my hcg levels which they put a stat on it because if my levels are high I’ll need emergency surgery tonight. I’ve been waiting four hours now and my regular dr has gone home for the day and she left information with the next dr. Staff at the clinic have no idea what’s going on when I call them ( I had to sit on hold for almost 30 mins in total). They told me my blood hasn’t been processed yet and to call back in an hour. ..... just wondering if anyone else had this run around while they were waiting. I’m scared/ nervous. I have no idea what to expect.