Just a stomach bug or worse?


Yesterday I was out and experienced severe left side abdominal pain and I couldn’t stretch my body fully without screaming, it was agonizing. I felt physically sick and on my way home I thought I was going to faint the pain was awful. When I got home and took some medication, I felt better and slept.

The morning after (today) I feel vile. My head is pounding and I have coming and going pain in my left side which is stretching to the middle. I have extreme dizziness and bad diarrhea. I have a history of ovarian cysts but I’m not sure. Is this worse? The pain is like a shooting pain and stops then dulls then comes back sharper than before.

I booked a GP appointment but my mother refused to take me (it’s quite far away) because she believes I’m making this up for attention and so does my stepdad. She came home from work and screamed at me calling me a lazy selfish bitch because I hadn’t tidied her house because I felt so awful all I’ve done is slept and lazed about.

Is this just a nasty stomach bug or worse?