He asked me to leave

My BF and I have been together three and a half years. We have a 5 month old son together, we have had our problems just like all couples do. I posted last night about him telling my daughter to shut up and I guess that was the last straw..

He gave me the silent treatment all morning and then when I tried to talk to him he said that he was done, he’s not happy with me, he asked me to leave.

He seriously expects me to leave and that that’s it, that I will forever be out of his life and he can just wash his hands of me. We have a son.. like even if you’re done with me we’re stuck in each other’s lives for a while.

He’s about to start law school in August so he will stop working FT and will be getting loans to focus on school. He says that I shouldn’t expect any money bc he won’t have it and that he will fight it if I take him to court. I don’t have a job, he pays all the bills and I pay for all the babies things and groceries with some money I have saved up from a divorce. He thinks I’m just trying to make his life harder by taking him for child support and not just disappearing.

I love this man with everything I have and can’t help but feel so devastated and heartbroken when he tells me “we were never really together” “I don’t love you” “I tried to make it work for our son” and other things to just dig in even more how unhappy he is with me and doesn’t want to be with me.

I think I’m a great partner, thoughtful, sweet, a great lover. Like if he felt that way deep down why was he still fucking me and constantly calling me his queen or that he wanted me here with him..I mean, we live together. I know we had downs just like others. He would take small problems and make them into something that he needed to run away from. Obviously he’s unhappy but who does that.. I think it’s mental and creepy to feel that way and still fuck me, kiss me, I feel used. I’m heartbroken and just feel so low. I can’t move out until Friday and I feel like he will either leave, himself till I’m gone or even go so far as to bring home some little girl.. we’re both in our 30s.

I know I need to leave this toxic man. I’m just really freaking out and upset and how the fuck can someone still love someone who tells them these things. What the fuck is wrong with me.

I’m stressed knowing I have to move, take care of the baby alone, and find a job

Update: he messaged me saying that things get hard and he doesn’t know why he just holds on to issues and tries to give up. That he wanted to be satisfied with the love I have for him.

I replied that I don’t know what to say to that. In my mind it is all said and done, his truth came out and now he’s trying to save us. Fuck all that. I’m hurt but know that I am way too good for him and I know there will be someone who appreciates what I have to offer as a partner.