
sooo, my boyfriend for the last 3 years broke up with me ( i was his first girlfriend and he was mine) bit we have quite a long history, he has been after me like for as long as i remember and i never gave him a chance until i did, and we had the cutest relationship he was always super attentive and always showed me he was in love with me and everyone always said so, but then i went to study abroad for a semester and he entered college, and like last october my friends started telling me that there were some rumors as if he was cheating on me but he always denies it to me, he said people can talk a lot of shit and that the normal thought of people is that if a guy is goodlooking and his girlfriends does not live in the same country he is obviously cheating( he also has a really flirty personality and that never bothered me) so i believed him and we where together till march that we broke up because we where fighting a lot because of the rumors and me not trusting him, so we broke up saying we were on different stages like he really just wanted to be with his friends and like experience the single life and stuff ( when he entered college everyone was saying to him he was super hot and everybody was doing him favors so i think that went to his head as well) so we broke up but he barley lasted two days without speaking to me, and then he was always talking to me because he was scared i was going to lose him blah blah , so we got back together on july and we were super okay until last weekend that we began to fight again because they told me another rumor and i thought he did not wanted me to go with him to a party and he on sunday broke up with me saying he was tired of fighting, of my friends saying rumors and of me not trusting him, so then on monday i was like are u still in love with me and he told he was, that i was the love of his life and that he wanted to get married to me but that right now he was just tired but like super cold, so i asked him again on thursday and he was super cold telling me he did not want to talk about it, and then on saturday i was drunk and spoke to him again telling him to say to me NO Am not in love with you anymore but he was like i just dont feel the same as before... i really dont get him, he is driving me crazy and i cant wrap my head around the fact that he does not love me anymore because he was always the one that showed more love and was more in love with meee, so i really dont understamd and i am so scared to lose him and so scared that the truth might be that he is not in love with me anymore