Screw Week 7 😓

Kaitlyn • Mom to one 👦🏼 and three 🐶

Rolling into Week 8, I wanna be more excited that I’m getting closer to sharing the news and learning the gender, buying baby clothes and all that...but for real, screw week 7. I have felt so gross and lethargic, and the bloating has hit. Every selfie up to this was prepped with makeup and a dress, but I just can’t this week. I basically threw all my super healthy practice out the window, water makes me sick and tastes bad, I can barely stomach the smoothies I loved last week, and I found myself with insomnia but sleeping in till 10 every morning. Gross. My stomach muscles are sore and sleeping at any position feels off. Cannot wait for this stage to subside so I feel more like me again, when I can replace bloat with bump.