In need of some solid advice!!!! 😰

Hi everyone I heard of this app at a doctors appointment. I went in for one thing and ended up in tears because I was so overwhelmed.

I’m currently 29yrs old, I have three children and recently married. I’ve been with my partner since 2009. Upon meeting him I honestly thought he was everything to me. He seemed to be honest and upfront or maybe I was that naive. After meeting each other he fell hard for me then I began to really like him and what not he expressed he wanted me to have his baby and stuff and sure enough I was son pregnant and expecting his first child that I know about. Towards the end of my pregnancy one day he cane home really late on Valentine’s Day. I was upset and hurt. He fell asleep with his clothes on (should have know something was up) and when he rolled over a dog tag chain dropped out his pocket saying his name loving another female I hid the necklace until I got dressed for work. He woke up looking for the chain and as I was leaving I gave it to him. He cane to my job and begged but I was hurt it was five days before our baby shower I couldn’t even enjoy myself. I had the baby he continued with the female she gave him some STDs and he passed it along which I had to be treated for. I forgave him after about three years or maybe it just got old because it still hurt years later. He continued to lie and cheat he dealt with many females but this net one hurt because he had this girl around my son whom told me about her and then lied and said she was family. He told me she was 23 come to find out she was 19 and loved very close to me. She sent me videos through Instagram of him giving her oral sex and other pictures of them in bed and stuff. We went back and forth for a little over a year I think what hurt more was she was so young and it made me wonder if my oldest son was a girl would he have looked at her in that manner. He had every sex page on his phone back page, tinder, Craigslist etc.....I was hurt and embarrassed. He continued to deal with females where he worked at a homeless shelter for pregnant woman and stuff. We parted ways for a while but still dealt with one another off and on. Last year I was into a new guy so smart, and kid free no drama. It was nearing our middle child’s birthday and he started calling blocked to spend the day with us I was hesitant at first because he had been MIA for the longest after a while I gave in. He didn’t leave begged for his family I gave in and ended up pregnant. He then left me while pregnant blamed me for nothing but needed an excuse to leave during my pregnancy he sent me $750 for an abortion in which I was not getting at twenty something weeks so I kept his money. He then cane around when I gave birth and shortly after we became expose again and then he asked me to marry him we married but he had some hidden ways. I’m sure I’m not in love anymore I’ve gotten stronger and just want to complete my bachelors degree and move on. He treats me like crap and talks down on me but I think I can do it alone now. I know I did it to myself but I’m ready to move on.