What do you think about cold sores?

So yesterday I woke up with a cold sore. I get them a few times a year, and have since a child.

I’m seeing someone and it was supposed to be a really few special nights this week. He noticed right away (I was going to tell him obviously!)

The way he said it really upset me, he was like “are you having a herpes outbreak?” And i’m like yeah, it’s just a cold sore. Not a big deal it will be gone in 5-7 days we just can’t do anything, sorry. He was like “eww herpes” and kind of laughed it off like he was joking. I told him like 80% of the population have it, it’s not like I get sores ‘down there’, and I didnt get this from anything sexually related. He asked if it was curable, and I said no, but I do take a prescription when I get them (which I do). He seemed to kind of be giving me a hard time, but then he was like i’m just joking...

Later on I asked him again if it freaked him out, and he didn’t say yes or no, just asked when it would be gone. I apologized again for the bad timing and we will make up these special days next week when I’m healed.

I’m not sure how I feel about his reaction. I really like him, but I was definitely offended a bit by his reaction. I’ve never had anyone react the way he did before about it. Does anyone have experience with this situation? What did you do/say?