Idk what to do


There’s this boy I’ve been talking to since i was in 6th grade it’s always been an on and off thing.. we started back talking a couple weeks ago and he told me that he wanted a future with me and that he loved me. We planned to hang out at his house and we did. I was on my period and he didn’t want to have sex but i pressured him into it anyway. A few hours after he said that he didn’t want to get into a relationship and that he cares about me so he would rather be honest and not act as if he was in as deep as me. He told me to take a plan b after sex and I didn’t because I’m on birth control . I threw up twice yesterday which i don’t ever do. I may be pregnant i took a test but it could be inaccurate because it hadn’t been a full week since we’ve had sex. I honestly love him and want to be with him i need advice on how i should deal with this😪