please give me advice


I've been with my bf for 7 months and I've just gotten more and more miserable. It was ok at first, I guess the euphoria of having a significant other consumed me and I ignored all the little red flags that told me he may not be a good choice for me. I have feelings for him, I wouldn't say I'm in love with him but I do feel something though he's been getting increasingly more distant and when I ask if it's my fault or if I'm doing something wrong he tells me that I'm a "great girl" but our relationship is boring. The first time he said this I barely kept myself calm and then balled my eyes out when I got home. His idea of a fun outing is spending time with his group of friends and dragging me along only to have me sit in silence between 5 other guys with whom I have absolutely nothing in common, only to abandon me periodically to go outside for a smoke, calling his friends over but never me. He invites me to his house but doesn't want to come to mine, is passive when I ask him where he wants to go for our dates, got mad that I'm not going on vacation with him and his horde of male friends (bc of finance issues, my parents have money issues rn and I live with them bc they pay for my college tuition) and when I offer for us to do something different like go hiking or watch a play he instantly shuts me down and refuses telling me it's boring to him and a hassle. We go to see the films he wants to see, have sex when he wants to have sex but he gets distant when I say no. Last time I was at his house I told him my breasts are sore and I'm not feeling up for anything sexual and he just passively said ok AND SAT AT HIS COMPUTER. When we do have sex we both go and shower and then he dresses himself and sits at his computer AGAIN. No cuddling, no romance, nothing. I've told him I want him to be more romantic and he shut me down with the statement "I'm not a romantic guy". I've also gotten jealous of a very close friend of his because he was in love with her before he met me and they've stayed close even after she refused his advances. The girl is very pretty, they have good chemistry together and honestly, she's more sexually on his page than I'll ever be. I want it slow and romantic, but he wants to go fast and dirty and asks things of me that I associate with rape fantasy (like tying me up or having me on my stomach, it's just extremely uncomfortable and degrading for me and I've teared up when he's mentioned it in the past). He's made snide comments about me in front of associates of his who I do not know while I was sitting with them, has embarrassed me in front of our friends from college, and I've told him countless times that if he wants to comment on my appearance so fucking bad he should at least have half a brain and do it while we're in private. I know I shouldn't let him belittle me like that but I hate conflict and I can't stand it when people yell and argue, I've had to endure things like that throughout my entire childhood and I'm just SICK AND TIRED of being made to feel absolutely worthless. I don't want to have sex, I don't want to sit with him in his room while he chats people up on Facebook, I don't want to have to wait and entire week just to see him for a couple of hours, without kisses, without hugging, with him pushing me away and telling me "that's enough". The first time I told him I love him he didn't say it back, has never said it except for the time he fucked up and him and a friend of his called me and she introduced herself as his fucking ex. That should have been the biggest red flag and I should have instantly shut this shitshow down right then and there. But I feel like I've gotten too deep into this mess of a relationship and I don't want to give up on us. If there's an us even left at this point.

If anyone has advice or experiences to share, please help a girl out. I don't know what to do anymore.