My Sweet Baby Rest In Peace💙


My little cat Thumper has been suffering with Feline Leukemia since she was born, although we didn't know until a month ago. Her litter mates all died at 6 months, but she made it to 10 months. She would have been a year old on August 27th. The vet said that it's because I 'babied' her that she lived so long. She was well taken care of, unlike her siblings in another home. She had been fighting hard and she was definitely a trooper. Two days ago, she started to act more in pain and today, i couldn't stand to see her that way anymore. I made the difficult decision of having her euthanized today. I am extremely upset and hurt, but I cam relieved that she is not in pain anymore. I love you so much, baby girl. Please don't take your pets forgranted. you never know when you might lose them. And it hurts like hell. Take a second to pet them and tell them you love them