Should I induce?! 😭😱😳


My dr told me today that there wasn’t a medical reason to induce (though I do have diet controlled GD) but that if I wanted to she was totally willing. She said she wouldn’t induce before 39 weeks but I’m at 36 and I’m about to need to know if I want to or not. I’ve been really struggling comfort wise (who of us hasn’t) and I’m ready to be done but I wanted to know yalls opinions.

I already know that pitocin can really make your contractions crazy and extra painful but I do plan on getting an epidural. I also like the idea of KNOWING I’ll have my OBGYN if we induce and having an end goal in sight. What would y’all do?

Edit: it’s also SO IMPORTANT that you know I could have my baby boy on harry potters birthday (July 31st) as nerdy as that sounds it makes me so happy.