I'm so tired of my job, but can't afford to quit


here's my rant. I work in a behavioral home for those who are all over every spectrum. I've worked here since february, and I LOVE it so much. But we have gone through 3 supervisors and 3 clients on one side of the house I work in. the girl I work for broke a staff's arm because she was told "no" and now our new client tackled my coworker for telling him that she can't get his iPad to work since we don't have Wi-Fi at the house yet. I work 3rd shift. I have an hour left of my shift and my client wanted me to open the staff door. we are allowed to have it open since there is a sliding door to the backyard. I gladly unlocked it, but because I wouldn't give him the code to get the door unlocked. So he shoved me and I almost fell into the wall and I'm 4 months pregnant. when we have reported these thin s to the higher ups, they tolf us that they won't give him or her consequences since it's a behavioral home and it's part of their issues. I totally understand they have issues, but this is an adult program, and I believe they need to be held responsible for their actions. there are so many more (worse) examples. But the pay is good so I take it. But this situation of him shoving me has really got me thinkijng...