Latching & Nursing

Okay ladies my little girl is a week old & has been a rockstar at nursing since she came out.. I feel like she has a good latch, she's getting milk but the first 2 minutes hurt like hell. My nipples are sore & blistered.. do I just need to tough it out? What can I do ?

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I was the same way. The first couple weeks are the hardest. I was almost in tears every time my daughter would eat because it hurt so bad. If it weren’t for lanolin, I probably would have given up. We’re now going 9 weeks strong 🤱🏻


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It’s really hard. You aren’t alone. It’s not unusual for the latch to hurt, but it should subside within 30-60 seconds or so. There ARE options for you if you can’t stand the pain (I couldn’t and thought I was being a wimp. My cracks were apparently very deep. Not a wimp). First: pumping and cup feeding. Using a cup stops your baby from satisfying their suck reflex. That being said, you’ll need to latch at least once in 24 hours and will likely only be able to do this for 24-48 hours. You will need support. Second: a nipple shield could be helpful. Make sure you get the right size. You’ll also still want to latch without it once a day so it will be easy to wean your baby off it.Other helpful things that are less drastic: nipple cream. There’s a steroid type (APNO) which is expensive, prescription, and helpful. Hydrogel pads. You can get them in the wound care aisle at CVS or any drug store.Best luck! Breastfeeding got good for me around 8-9 weeks. That’s a long time to be told every week “in a week it will be better.”


Posted at
Yes just tough it out ..this is exactly how I was in the beginning my daughter is an amazing eater great latch I just needed to get used to it. 3 weeks later & things are MUCH better!! Lanolin nipple cream & warm washcloths will help your nipples feel better. Use the cream after every single feeding, it's safe for baby so doesn't have to be wiped off before she latches . Keep going mama you got tbis!!!